Ideas For Up-cycling Old Car Parts
Love your veteran car? Do not want to park it in your junkyard like a useless junk of metal? Then just go for the ideas of up-cycling it for re use in your daily life where you can be in touch with your loved one. Time has gone to just sale your old car which is associated with your pleasant past memories. It has been your buddy your love ride or a quick one in the hour of need, just don’t opt for a few hundreds of dollars against it, don’t sell your memories but make the best use of it. Grab out its several parts and think to design and shape them in a manner to make something unique out of it.
Put its engine on some room having wooden flooring, and stick a clean square shaped glass top on it. You never would’ve witnessed this master piece definitely. this silvery engine on a brownish surface would give a wild effect.
Want an activity for killing spare time? I love playing snooker or billiard. Remove the car’s roof top along with its pillars to have a relatively plain surface. Fill it up with some cheap stuff and make space for a smooth snooker table.
Want another mesmerizing idea? Turn car’s body upward tied up with heavy duty ropes to get it fixed firmly like a swing in your study or lounge. Decor it with luxury cushions and pillows, and now enjoys reading novels or a deep ravishing sleep. Cut it into half and make a swing to be enjoyed in your grassy lawn.
Tires, headlights, tail lights, body, tire cups, steering each and every part is an art yearning article, just need a critical and artistic eye!