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Upcycle / Recycle Cordwood Construciton / Cordwood Masonry Woodworks, Useful Cordwood Ideas, DIY Plans And Projects.

Hello guys, what’s up dudes? How’s the recycling thing going on? Well, let’s do something crazy today. We just thought to start a project of creative upcycled crafts and décor. What exactly we have got to do, we would be repurposing the debarked wood pieces and would be upcycling them to make some…

Cordwood Flooring Ideas

Among many other home decor plans, cordwood flooring is one of the most famous techniques. Almost every one of us…

Cordwood Fence Ideas

Many of folks do not actually have much knowledge about cordwood construction or cordwood masonry. So before we go…
Your house is a place where you spend most of your time. That’s why most of resources are spent in building a dream house to arrange for maximum pleasure and attraction at your place. Professional architectures are hired to get close to the perfection in building a dream house. Different…