Upcycled Toboggan Shelf


Are you aware or familiar with toboggan shelf? A toboggan is a simple sled which is a traditional form of transport used by the innu and cree of northern Canada in modern times. It is usually used on snow to carry one or more people often children down a hillor other slope for recreation. So basically this is a recreational tool having a specific shape and design. Now comes the matter of toboggan shelf. This shelf is called toboggan due to its specific curvy shape. Though not a very common one but it is a real beauty in itself. Not only it gives us several space hacks, but at the same time it escalates the interior beauty of our house. This is a sort of complete master piece for any house hold.

Toboggan Shelf Idea

A conventional upcycled toboggan shelf possesses its specific shape, slightly circular and curvy from the top, and flat from the bottom. But because of its huge size it gives you ample space to cater your needs of storage hacks. Now lets talk about some real business. How would it sound if we talk about making it at our own by upcycling the wooden pallets? Isn’t this a great idea? Certainly it is. Pallets give you complete freedom of employing all your skills and demonstrating your potential by repurposing pallets. As we know that pallets are free of cost, so use them as the basic material in recycling the toboggan shelf.
Upcycled Toboggan Shelf

Now have a look on the conventional toboggan shelf in detail. You can easily find out that entire shelf basic structure is made of pallet wood, just additional metallic hooks and chains are used in the making. Plus multiple wooden planks are used in making several storeys of the shelf to make it more stylish and spacious as well.
Toboggan Shelf