Upcycled Tree Art


I think we are going with a very higher pace, I mean we have gone so far that now we are talking about upcycled tree art. That literally means that we are going to make the objects with different materials, that would literally look like trees. I think this is something really substantial in the field of recycling. We are certainly going to use the materials that won’t be hard to find at all. And this whole project would really be a fun activity for you guys. So just get ready for this exclusive upcyled tree art project.

Palm trees made out of tires

Wow, this is a gigantic recycled tree. This would have taken many days for the completion. And you know what makes this recycled tree distinguished? Same color and size of the bottles is used in the entire tree, this is another matter of concern. The collection would have also taken a lot of time.
recycled bottles trees

How many of you can really figure out that what kind of material is used in recycling this tree? I think this would be a bit tricky to answer. This is basically a fabric recycled baobab tree, something new for you guys? This was a long tiring project but at the end we were just rewarded to have recycled this beauty.
Recycled Fabric Baobab Tree

How would you categorize this one? Well, one thing is pretty clear that this is made from the metal and most probably iron. This is probably inspired from the jewelry items, and could also be used as a decoration piece.
Recycled Iron Jewelry Tree

Now this is not a regular or some common tree, this is a Christmas tree especially recycled for the event using multiple materials. Silken ribbons, metallic twisted wire, colored balls, all made this beautiful Christmas tree collectively. This was a good effort for the big day by our smart crafters.
Recycled Materials Chistmas Tree Crafts

Wow, this one is quite perfect for the autumn time when the trees are emptied by the change of weather, all the leaves have fallen. You can equip them with these recycled colorful leaves. This would just make your patio a dream land or someplace out of this world.
Recycled Tree Art

If you have to keep it confined to a mere room or a project for the kids, then here is a classic recycled tree project. All you need is a fine sheet of cardboard, and some colors to stain them according to your choice. Make it colorful or keep it natural as green.
recycled tree arts

There was a time when you were furious on the people who threw the tins and bottles around your premises, but with this project you would be recycling the trash in making this upcycled tree. All the colored tins and plastic bottles are put to an artistic use.
Recycled Tree Sculpture

While this last one could also be a mystery for many beginners. This would be hell hard to find out that what material is actually used in recycling this tree. We have actually used old newspapers, old book pages and some other pages from various sources, twisted and shaped them for recycling this tree.
Recycled Tree tires upcycled tree Upcycled Bottles Tree Upcycled Tree Art Ideas Upcycled Tree Art Upcycled Tree Color Art Upcycled Tree Ideas Upcycled Tree Paper Craft Upcycled Tree Projects